Aries: Venturing to outer neighborhoods, being a bigger part of community and seeking more mental stimulation.
Taurus: Taking it one day at a time, enjoying comfort and being prudent with long-term planning.
Gemini: Being adventurous, unguarded and letting surprises find you.
Cancer: Allowing your imagination to wander; believing in the impossible and sharing your compassion.
Leo: Now, it's all about friendship, the future and living out your freakiest fantasies.
Virgo: Ruthlessness is fine, as long as it will bring results. Be it, live it and love it.
Libra: The world is yours to explore, enjoy and change to your taste.
Scorpio: Obsessing about money, power and sex will not fail you now.
Feeling beautifully. Living beautifully and loving beautifully.
Capricorn: Vitality, efficiency and purpose. They are your themes.
Aquarius: It's not just about what you do, but also the show you put on. Showmanship will count for a lot, so turn it up to turn it out. Risk-taking recommended.
Pisces: Be as slow as you need to, as finding your place and setting down roots will never be as real or welcoming as it is now.