Yes, today until August 11, 2015, be ready to discover your superpower and put it into play. You are your own star, hero and muse now, because this transit will make you feel your personal strength and excellence in a bolder, more open and loving way, because the changes it can bring are tangible.
Best part -- no one loses with this transit, as everybody gets a piece of its pie. Own it and it's yours. As for places to focus your energies and stake a bigger claim, it goes as such per sign (Don't forget to read your rising sign too, for double the the pleasure!):
Aries: You'll be feeling love straight from the heart, as romance, praise and the gift of 13 months of great hair days come for you. Finally, understanding your power in a way that makes you comfortable and happy. Hoorah!
Taurus: You'll be redefining your sense of security in a more flamboyant way, as in setting down roots in places you've only dreamt of. Home, family and new businesses are your gold now, indulge in all.
Gemini: Being a kiosk of info and brilliant ideas has been somehwhat thankless, until now. Yes, this is them time when when your words can save the world. Rewards for your genius will happen within this transit.
Cancer: Throwing around cash and being comfortable in your life, in a more material way will be your everything. Don't you worry your pretty little self either, as there will be more than enough to go around several times over!
Leo: You're the lucky winner of the Midas Touch for the next 13 months. Anything you begin now will bring you victory. Pioneer onto new territory and you will find your Utopia.
Virgo: Major inheritances, chance winnings and dead-on intuition will be your superpower. Fortune of the mystical kind is yours now.
Libra: It's all about who you know, so don't just run with the elite, be it and run it. You can create new hierarchies now, as your power to hone communal spirit will be undeniable.
Scorpio: Lights, camera, action! Your star is rising and they'll be a rare few that won't know your name by the end of this Jupiter tour. Get ready for the fans and the jealous haters, as all forms of worship will be ecstacy.
Sagittarius: The world is your oyster, so swallow all the opportunities and adventures that arrive from all around the globe. Evolve everywhere.
Capricorn: Sex, drugs and rock-n-roll. Whatever fetish hides under your collar is your ticket to paradise -- explore the darker sides to your passions and flex your madness. It will bring something real to hold onto.
Aquarius: Say, "I do," to all that you love, because tying commitments tighter will be your happiest modus operandi. This coming period: two heads will always trump one.
Pisces: Feeling your purpose and oneness in your world will align now, as you'll directly see how others learn and are helped by you. This doesn't necessarily include a huge financial windfall, but priceless nonetheless.