One of my biggest dreams came true today! When I checked into my 9-hour flight from Berlin to NYC this morning, I got the news of a lifetime! I was being upgraded to business class!!!!! This is something I have always dreamed of and even tried several times to when me and my precious FLC went on our budget beach vacation to Jamaica and told everyone we were on our honeymoon to try to get free stuff, but to no avail, as NO ONE BELIEVED us...seems someone wasn't able to sell it as a hetero...but anyway, that is a whole other story and this was pure magic. The news broke as followed:
C.P. (counter person, complete with German accent and a goofy personality): So, Ms. T., we see you booked a window seat.
Me: Yes.
C.P.: Well, you still have a window seat, but we've had to move you. Is that okay?
Me: Sure.
C.P.: You are now in business class. Is that okay?
This is when the shit hit the fan and I reacted like I won a lottery — eyes big, jumping up and down, grabbing my friend, hugging him, then jumping up and down with him! I even took a picture of me and the airline worker responsible for the switch, a boy that looked 15. It made him blush and all his co-workers giggled, but whatever, I didn't care. I love him and loved that he bumped me up!

(Here he is — my hero. See, he really does like 15, right????)
So, yeah, I have no idea how I am ever going to fly coach again after this???? I did fly first class and business class once, when I was in Thailand ages ago, because it only cost $20 more, but those were only 1-2 hour flights and the only noticeable perk was a choice in sandwiches, as opposed to no choice...this was a whole other beast and OMG, YES, all those stories I heard about what happens behind that curtain are true!!!!
As soon as I sat down, (and btw, no line in entering the plane, got to cruise onto the sky priority line with no wait time!) they're pouring the champagne and seemingly genuinely excited to greet me. There was no rushing of the seats, fighting for that one slither of arm rest with the person next to me or trying to contort myself to fit in for maximum comfort for the long haul.
No, instead there were other things to do: look over the menu to decide what I wanted for dinner, peruse the wine list, pick which magazines I wanted, sort out the entertainment system, look over all the toiletries in my free mini overnight bag and learn all the controls of the buttons in which my seat could spread out — as in lying down or just popping up the foot rests. Sorry to sound to provincial, but this was a fairy tale come true! (...and btw, the fresh baked cookies are also real!)

(Look how cute the salt and pepper shakers are in business class!)
Funny, funny was that just a few weeks prior, on a train coming home from the beach I met a air steward and asked him how to get myself bumped up to first class. His little tidbit was that when you enter a plane, greet the stewardesses and stewards and bring them chocolate. He even suggested mini Snickers, because for some reason that is something he found they prefer. Of course, I also wonder if cold hard cash works too...cause God knows I'd rather fork over some $ on the DL to them than their corporate counterparts, as it'd also cost way less this way too...Whichever the case, whatever you can do to get this perk of all perks, if you can't afford it, do it...So, here are some other tips that might help you better enjoy flying the friendlier skies (according to some more research I've done):
1. Dress nicely. Although when I got the bump up, they had already arranged it before I even appeared, but I am told, if you want to wow the attendants, you're going to have to look the part. Think superficially. If they want to lick you, they'll put you in first class.
2. Don't be scared to ask everyone. Although I am told it's the attendants that can really help you, not the counter person. If you have to, complain that the person next to you is too smelly or your seat is broken or something that gives you real cause to get your seat changed. Of course, this might just mean a lateral move, not a vertical one.
3. This is a bit risky, but arrive late and then complain that the reason you were late was because of a competitor airline caused it and how much they suck. From what I am told, the receiving airline will want to make themselves look good and save your day, which may mean an upgrade.
4. Ask the ticket counter to code your ticket. Although they might not be able to help your cause directly, there is a whole secret language your ticket has that can help you maneuver your way through the system. Ask for this code for a possible upgrade, so the gate keeper can know you are in the know and from there, this will up your chances of getting bumped up.
5. Surprises like this are more likely when you've got a stockpile of good karma on your side. So live nicely, happily and lovingly and hope your next flight might mean a way the universe can give you a nod. If not, oh well and whatever, at least you're probably heading somewhere pleasant for something exciting, so be grateful for whatever you do have.

(Is it me, or is the sky prettier in business class?)