Brain trumps heart...

After all, if you can't reason with it, understand it or learn from it, then you will see whatever you have going for you won't satisfy you for the long run, as it's the mind that is the your largest sex organ and if you can't get it to follow where your instincts are leading with a commitment that makes you want to go deeper, then know this is the time when changes will be in store. However, don't worry, as playful adventures are also guaranteed during this time, as Venus in Gemini is at the least never boring and is always out to entertain.
As per sign, what will this game changing transit manifest...
As per sign, what will this game changing transit manifest...
Aries: New fetishes get discovered, different dialogues will begin, and needing to backtrack on some decisions made...
Taurus: Your comfort zone gets turned upside, making you change your way of getting cozy...
Gemini: You're capable of much more than you think. When it comes to love, you'll see there are other ways about it you never thought could happen...
Cancer: Get lost in your imagination, as the impulses and rushes you feel are telling you something deeper about yourself. Explore until answers are satisfying...
Leo: People you know and methods in which you excite yourself will flip about, revealing that what you believe in is actually a bit shockingly new...
Virgo: Power can make anyone nutty, but with you, it'll be downright naughty, as twists in turns in how you wield the whip will get revealed...
Libra: Your perspective and ideals get turned about and down a slippery slope you will go, but where you wind up, no one knows--which will be just the adventure you are looking for...
Scorpio: Mystery and your survival instincts kick into high gear, making you walk the fine line of now and forever. How and which side you dip your toes will be a surprise to even you...
Sagittarius: The blessings and the curses of relationships will come down hard on you, making you toss and turn. Expect power structures to get switched up and an all out anarchy on the old to ruffle your feathers sweetly and sourly...
Capricorn: All the hidden kink of the day to day will become obvious, making routines and the seemly mundane turn up to a HD titillation...
Aquarius: The word "I" isn't dirty, as much as it should be and once you see its true gritty potential, you'll learn to lavish yourself in it and love its decadence...
Pisces: Where you are and where you want to belong may vary greatly, but don't worry, it might just be the little things that you have to change up to make it all sync up...or not...Only be walking through the fire will you know your answers......And since this transit is an extra long one, here is a theme song to get you through: The fabulous Sharon Needles Whore, which adds the extra dimension of the delight and fun of Venus in Gemini....