Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jupiter enters Pisces

Everybody gets lucky!

Jupiter, the planet of luck, is making its annual transition today and the winner of this year’s grand prize is Pisces! This means all Pisces sun and rising people will get an extra dose of miracles in their life until June 5th, 2010, then back again on September 9th 2010, until January 22, 2011!

Usually Jupiter does spend a full year in one sign, but since this spin won’t go retrograde the first time around, it’ll go full cycle through Pisces before heading back and when it does, it’ll be in Aries already and then be in Aries from June 5th until September 9th. Either or, it’s bonsai good news for everyone because Pisces is the planet of fairy tales and karma, so when you mix this with the planet of luck, the fantastical is bound to happen (if you've been playing your cards right)! So before going any further, start setting intentions in the areas that it’ll matter…

Aries (March 21-April 19)
Ridding yourself of bad habits and baggage from the past, powerful visions/psychic abilities, and secret alliances.

Taurus (April 20- May 20)
Your hopes and wishes, dealings in technology and friendships.

Gemini (May 21- June 20)
Career, an increase in your public profile and getting over issues with authority.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
International relations, adventure and spirituality/ your quest for purpose and truth.

Leo (July 23- August 22)
Sex, financial gains from inheritances/commissions and sorting out the dark side of your psyche.

Virgo (August 23- September 22)
Committed partnerships (love and/or business), improving your social life and feeling more at peace with yourself.

Libra (September 23- October 22)
Starting new fitness regimes and getting results, getting organized and being more efficient.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Romance, creativity, and enjoying being in the spotlight.

Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)
Real estate, family, and increasing your sense of security.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Learning new skills, dealings with communications/media, and being part of your community.

Aquarius (January 20-February 19)
Money, setting new foundations, and increasing your sense of comfort.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Initiating new projects and ideas, being a leader and improving your image.