If you have to talk, make it about you.
The dumbest thing I love to read is the "25 things You Don't Know About Me" in US Magazine. I'll have not the slightest interest in who they might feature, but I read it anyway because I am demented and have this thing for lists... I like when I think who ever profiled is going to be so dull and it turns out that they're actually kind of funny and/or interesting....Of course, my favorite part is reading and pretending to make my list--like if they say they like blue, I think my favorite color...but today, instead of pretending, today I am going to think of 25 things you don't know about me, based on nothing, other than I want to, so here it is:
- If I could have one superpower, it'd be instant teleportation for me and anything I touch.
- I can solve The Rubik's Cube.
- I'm a goofy foot.
- I'll judge a guy's sex style by the way he eats.
- I love disaster movies, almost as much as horror.
- If I could physically change myself, I'd be taller and love a longer neck.
- I have a secret fantasy of being a NYC cab driver, but without those long hours and I'd get a swank new taxi, not one of those busted ones with the scant AC.
- I'd rather have a bowl of soup than a piece of cake.
- I never owned a car.
- I'm not a Halloween person.
- I love that Hello Kitty is a Scorpio too.
- I am growing basil and chives right now and it feels pretty monumental to grow my own food.
- I just rode my bike over The Manhattan Bridge, The Brooklyn Bridge and The Williamsburg Bridge all in the past week for the first time ever.
- My highest grade ever was my final grade for the year in physics, junior year of high school. I got an A+ that equaled 105 pts, the highest that year out of everybody! I have no rational explanation how I understood it, considering I am no science genius...but seems I am a racial stereotype.
- I think Easter has the best candy, as far as the holidays.
- I use to have purple hair.
- I have only lived in 4 places my whole life.
- I've snowmobiled across a glacier in Iceland and rode an elephant through the northern Hills of Thailand.
- I am superstitious about not having cake on your birthday.
- I was born with no bottom canine teeth.
- I always choose the window seat on planes.
- I like the cookie part of the Oreo, not the stuffing.
- I want to see all 50 states. I have 11 more to go...and I want to see all 7 continents, 3 more to go.
- I can't wait to meet Paul, the psychic octopus, because I'm in awe of him.
- I thought making this list was kind of hard, despite all my trivialities.