When I woke up today, the first thing I thought to do was read my tea leaves. This is not something I normally think to do, so it was totally random...but of course being who I am, I trust everything has a reason, so I accordingly did as I must...and so it went...
As for how to do it? You make a cup of tea with loose leaves and when you are almost done drinking it, with about 1/8 of an inch left of tea, you swirl your cup around and think of whatever you want to ask. I always like it to be more general, as it beats me what I should know most of the time...and you can swirl left or you can swirl right. Some tea readers have rules, I prefer to think it's all about your concentration...So anyway, after you are doing swirling (when ever you feel you are done), the tea leaves will settle at the bottom and sides of the cup in various formations...gently pour the rest of the tea out and then read away!
As for what I found in my cup, here are the results...
Please let me know what you see and what you predict from the images!