Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mercury enters Cancer, my 9th house

Broadcasting optimism all over the world...

Voila, here is my clip from last week's appearance on The Daily Connection, where I reveal which signs are the luckiest in love and who is the winner of the grand daddy prize of luckiest sign overall! ....and I also go through the entire zodiac and which areas of luck they will all get, but note, because they had to cram it all into a certain time, three signs did get edited out. So, if you are Libra, Sagittarius or Pisces, here are your areas of luck:

Libra: sex, power, transformations of any sort
Sagittarius: health, routines, dealings with co-workers
Pisces: communications, learning new skills, travel--but short trips, like domestic travel or road trips.

All others, hit play.