Monday, October 22, 2012

Sun Enters Scorpio

ENVY MY __________

The sun has made its way to Scorpio; Death Star 2012 is in the house. Time for heightened dramas, explosive intensity, miraculous transformations, and profound jealousies. Yes, many maniacal misunderstandings in the making too, but so are the times symbolized by such a tiny, but deadly animal that strikes suddenly, without fear or sound, gunning for fatality.

....Amid this, I bid adieu to the blissful times of Libra with an enviable weekend before the darkness falls...Highlights:
*A haunted Saturday with two of my all-time
favorite Pisces, John and Jay. 
*Fall foliage 
*Sleepy Hallow
*Getting a pic with the Headless Horseman--so much better than Santa. 
*Buying cute Lego rings at the Hester St. Fair : Me & Mo (Taurus).
*Trying on cute headbands at the Green Flea off Columbus Ave. 
*A surprise hang with my friend Jaime (Aquarius), fresh off the first rally he organized, to get the rec center in his neighborhood open (how Aquarius). Go Jamie! ...and our total geek out with our new iphones. 
*Catching my friend Peg Simone (Aries) perform at Treehouse, amazing!