Sneak peak my upcoming Style By Sign look.
I find it ironic I started Style By Sign just after getting all my grandmother's costume jewelry. She's been part of my looks every week, which is such a lovely homage, since I know my life, especially my career, wouldn't of been possible without her in so many ways. Plus, funny enough, when I was little, she did suggest broadcast journalism as my future career. I think since in my day it appeared to be a top job that Asian women had an advantage (at least in NYC). While I never aspired to work in front of the camera growing up, focusing my efforts on being a nihilistic writer type, I am totally excited and into my glamorous turn of events and the amazing opportunities that have come my way.
This week, I have G-Ma's clip-on pearl button earrings. Dress from Forever 21, Necklace from In God We Trust, bracelets a gift from my friend Ingrid, mint and gold ring bought in Istanbul, pearl-burst ring bought at a flea market in Berlin, sparkly mint green ring from Modcloth, white belt from the black dress I got from the Castro in Tel Aviv and my ankle strap heels are Fornarina.