Mars in Pisces is an affliction, so it is believed by many astrologers. It's tricky because Mars is a planet of action and Pisces is the sign of fantasy. Put them together and they're could be a hard time deciphering up from down, as a push/pull will start to happen. No matter, it's a creative puzzle that could lead to beautiful, imaginative and soulful solutions if done properly. Take it from a gal that knows, as that's where Mars was when I stepped into this world.
As for places to get lost and found during this phase that lasts until March 12, it is as follows per sign:
Aries: Nostalgia. OD on it.
Taurus: Ideals. They do make the world go round.
Gemini: Ambition. It can all be yours.
Cancer: Freedom. Choose it or lose it.
Leo: Power. You can never have enough.
Virgo: Peace. Isn't that the reason for it all?
Libra: Results. Want them and it will come.
Scorpio: Glamour. The possibilities are endless.
Sagittarius: Roots, the longer, the better.
Capricorn: Intellect, because sometimes that is all you've got.
Aquarius: Materialism. You are only human.
Pisces: Yourself, because this transit is your golden ticket.