When it comes to communication, the point is to connect. However, when forces slip into place to make one drift off topic, looping around into one random escape after the next and never quite reaching a destination per se, then know it might just be Mercury in Pisces -- and unfortunately, from now until April 13th, this uber-flaky, but romantic, imaginative and dramatic influence will be happening, as it will include a retrograde cycle that could just be the tipping point for many people to go totally insane. So prepare. As for areas where your brain may mush out for better or worse:
Aries: Memories
Taurus: Friendships
Gemini: Career
Cancer: Purpose
Leo: Assets
Virgo: Fairness
Libra: Time
Scorpio: Romance
Sagittarius: Business
Capricorn: Learning and communicating
Aquarius: Finances
Pisces: Overall judgment.