Monday, September 9, 2013

Mercury Enters Libra

Think Beautiful Thoughts.

Welcome Today! Mercury in Libra is all about mental balance and the ultimate peace of mind, in which ever way you want to define it. For me, it's the science of existence beyond just the physical....What's yours?

BiTe My StYle
I totally love my dress this week and I'd have to say this is more like what I terms of hair and make-up and the dress is so my silhouette. I got it on eBay, of course. It was new though--but it's made well and it's 100% cotton. It's from the UK, but it's made in China. If you dig it, it'll come up in the search if you put in retro dresses or rockabilly....And to flatter it, my black shrug from Berlin. It's so light and soft. Even on super hot days, it's cooler than having bare shoulders. 
My cute shoes I completed it with:

The same ones I had on for the first SBS...Wow, I feel like we've come a long way and we are really sorting it out now. Plus, I couldn't of asked for better people to be working with -- especially Jeffrey and JoZie. Taurus and Capricorn!
As for other pieces that are found throughout the week's scopes is my Aries "MacBeth" look with the retro capelet I got on eBay and more of Jeffrey's adventurous styling.
My "I can't believe it's such love" red satchel might also be in Aquarius--purchased at KaDeWe Berlin. Oh, protesting shirt is my Angry Little Asian Girl tee. Love it. Check her out. She rocks.