Sunday, August 30, 2009

Moon in the 8th

Twisted fascinations.

I can't get enough of taking pictures of things I am utterly repulsed by. It's a compulsion, and thanks to living in my lovely part of town where there is something repellent that happens every day, I am never at a loss... Rushing on my way to make a train to the beach, after over sleeping and missing two ferries, off with no time to spare, this made me stop and back-up:

The most revolting thing about it, besides that tail, the one intact ear and that expression that seems to be on its face is that I can't even make sense of it: how the tail is by the head and the feet are facing each other. Did it get snapped in half? How? Was it really that gargantuan in size? Is there more than one? ...The grotesqueness is too big to bear.

P.S. By the time I got back almost 11 hours later, it was completely gone--and not because someone cleaned it up, but because there was just that much traffic. (Click on photo for total revulsion.)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Venus enters Leo

Romance fills the air.

To inspire the day: Love Actually

To watch, turn off the music from Aug. 9 & 22's post.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mars enters Cancer, Mercury enters Libra; Squaring each other

Tongued-action in full effect.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sun enters Virgo, my solar 11th

Be part of something.

Going Places, Doing Stuff
Flux Factory
Where The Wild Things Are by David Felix Sutcliffe

PS: Turn off music on August 9th post.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

New moon in Leo

Put the spotlight back on yourself.

2-second confessions of a Venus in Sagittarius/Mars in Pisces

I idealize way too much, sometimes it works for me; other times it gets thrown back in my face — and the most the pathetic thing is, I'm usually so far gone in my la la land, I recover by escaping into another far fetched fantasy, because all I want to do is feel good...and god knows, its not just a hedonistic thing, but a fight against the only other option, manicness...can't wait for the weekend! Going Places Doing Stuff with Flux Factory, mystery overnight, "Where The Wild Things Are!" with film maker David Felix Sutcliffe....argh, I'll probably totally get my period during the trip.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Zero degrees of Pluto

Unmistakable messages from the universe arrive.

Nobody likes to come home to a mess, and it's even worse when that mess involves death. Even more annoying is finding it after coming home from a long enough flight at 1 a.m. and just wanting to crash. Today, that was a dead mouse, and it was so far gone, there were giant maggots carrying it. I noticed that because while staring at it in utter repulsion, I saw it was moving sideways.

Examine the scene below closer, you'll realized it had actually died closer to the door, but it was so dead, the maggots had already moved in and moving it off. GROSS!!!!!! GROSS!!!!!! GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Moon in Pisces

Escapistic tendencies take over.

24 Hour Cowgirls
Wolf Creek Outpost

P.S. Turn off music on Aug. 22nd post.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sun squares my sun

draa, ma

Eclipse fall out...Everyday for the last few days there is something that happens that makes me turn into this lady, in my mind, for a few minutes per day. WTF!

Something is seriously in the air...

(Note: You'll have to scroll down and turn off the music from my July 2, 2009 slideshow post to hear this in its fully glory.)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Full moon eclipse in Aquarius, conjuncting my midheaven

Declare a theme song, then call it a day.

(Note: You'll have to scroll and turn off the music from my July 2, Aug. 9 & 22 slideshow post to hear this deliciousness.)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mercury enters Virgo

Must be efficient, must think ahead, must be precise.

Who has time to spare when Mercury is in Virgo? No one....So much so, I ran out of time to even think of anything to write here today and it's already 4 am August 3rd...Is this what the next few weeks is going to be like? I can only wonder...