Monday, February 25, 2013

Venus Enters Pisces


The Only 3 Possible Ways You Will Feel About Love Until March 21:

Warm and Fuzzy

Confused and Tired:

Delusional and Enraged:

Full Moon In Virgo

...and another thing...

Full moon energy lasts for 2 weeks. So, that's 14 days to indulge your inner critic and go all out grumpus onto the world. However, for your best results, hone in on these specific people in your life and let loose your judgments, because this moon is the rare occasion when aggravation will bring progress :

Aries: Co-workers or anyone you consider a subordinate.
Taurus: Anyone you might have a sweet spot for.
Gemini: Family, especially your mother.
Cancer:  Siblings, neighbors and peers.
Leo: The hospitality contingent in your life.
Virgo: Yourself.
Libra: Your shrink or any medically associated person.
Scorpio: Friends.
Sagittarius: Your boss, father or anyone who attempts to assume authority over you.
Capricorn: Your guru or any one you idealize. 
Aquarius: Your booty call or accountant. 
Pisces: Your BF, BFF or both.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Mercury Goes Retrograde In Pisces

Get Your Flake On

It's here. The first Mercury Retrograde of the year, and this one is in Pisces -- which means more intense blasts from the pasts, emotional confusions and all round unreliableness.

...And if you pay any attention to my posts, you'd know that each year Mercury Retrogrades are in one element. This year, it's water transits, which means one flake of a time trying to sort out moods, memories and reality. As it goes, with Pisces, the lines of fantasy and reality blur easily, and life tips to one extreme -- up or down. So, when you put this all into retrograde mode, you get one hearty breakdown.

To best prepare for the messes from now until around March 17, here are the following areas you will likely need backup:
Aries: inner psyche/sleep, creativity, karma
Taurus: technology, friendships, hopes
Gemini: reputation, authority, discipline
Cancer: travel, truth, morals
Leo: sex, power, money
Virgo: balance, beauty, commitment
Libra: health, routines, pets
Scorpio: gambling, love, creativity
Sagittarius:security, home, family
Capricorn: communication, siblings, transportation
Aquarius: comfort, investments, sensual pleasures
Pisces: confidence, initiative, leadership

Sunday, February 10, 2013

New Moon In Aquarius: Chinese (and Korean) New Year! Year Of The Snake

New Beginnings

Happy New Year Y'all! Enter into the year of the snake, a year said to bring slow progress... So, keeping in mind with that, understand why this post is so late and not even anything to do with this holiday, but pertinent nonetheless, because it's chock full of info that can aid in your successes or at the least, kill time in an entertaining fashion... Link to my features for VD Day (VD, as in venereal disease day)...and a HAPPINESS BONUS: The cutest message ever from the cutest boy ever!!!!! Warning: It will warm even the blackest of hearts.

At The Frisky, I have a Quick Seduction Guide Per Sign:

...And at I have a few fun things happening:
A Celebrity Slideshow of Fantasy Valentines:

How Each Sign Says, "I love you."

...and which sign will have the best Valentine's:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mercury Enters Pisces

Excuse Me While My Brain Turns To Mush.

When it comes to communication, the point is to connect.  However, when forces slip into place to make one drift off topic, looping around into one random escape after the next and never quite reaching a destination per se, then know it might just be Mercury in Pisces -- and unfortunately, from now until April 13th, this uber-flaky, but romantic, imaginative and dramatic influence will be happening, as it will include a retrograde cycle that could just be the tipping point for many people to go totally insane. So prepare. As for areas where your brain may mush out for better or worse:

Aries: Memories
Taurus: Friendships
Gemini: Career
Cancer: Purpose
Leo: Assets
Virgo: Fairness
Libra: Time
Scorpio: Romance
Sagittarius: Business
Capricorn: Learning and communicating
Aquarius: Finances
Pisces: Overall judgment.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Venus Enters Aquarius

Interesting loves.
Meet my two albino African Dwarf frogs:
A face only a frogophile can love.
What a ham!
Straddling Penis Rock 

UPDATE: Two Names Have Been Found! Meet Big Treasure and Little Treasure, named after Dlisted's Hot Sluts of Day! ...and so you know, the bigger one is the girl, as this is how it is in the A.A.D.F world. ...Although Little Treasure could also be a girl, who knows? I do know one thing though, L.T. is not the bright one of the two. Using their sight, not smell, to find food, L.T. is the only one that attempts to eat the plastic fish decor over and over again, while ignoring the actual food all over. Whatever, I didn't get them to do my taxes.

Mars Enters Pisces

Daydream Believer

Mars in Pisces is an affliction, so it is believed by many astrologers. It's tricky because Mars is a planet of action and Pisces is the sign of fantasy. Put them together and they're could be a hard time deciphering up from down, as a push/pull will start to happen. No matter, it's a creative puzzle that could lead to beautiful, imaginative and soulful solutions if done properly. Take it from a gal that knows, as that's where Mars was when I stepped into this world.

As for places to get lost and found during this phase that lasts until March 12, it is as follows per sign:
Aries: Nostalgia. OD on it.
Taurus: Ideals. They do make the world go round.
Gemini: Ambition. It can all be yours.
Cancer: Freedom. Choose it or lose it.
Leo: Power. You can never have enough.
Virgo: Peace. Isn't that the reason for it all?
Libra: Results. Want them and it will come.
Scorpio: Glamour. The possibilities are endless.
Sagittarius: Roots, the longer, the better.
Capricorn: Intellect, because sometimes that is all you've got.
Aquarius: Materialism. You are only human.
Pisces: Yourself, because this transit is your golden ticket.